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Ask Our Growing Experts

Seed Supreme's expert growers Nana, Rusty and the dynamic duo of Doug and Jen are here to help you and answer any and all your cannabis cultivation questions.

Ask Rusty

Meet Rusty, the laid-back indoor grower who’s always willing to lend a hand. With over two decades of experience cultivating cannabis in basements, spare rooms, and high-tech grow tents, Rusty's got the lowdown on turning any indoor space into a ganj

Ask Nana

Meet Nana, the wise and witty cannabis cultivation guru. Nana's been growing under the sun for many years. You only need to glance at her plants to understand the true potential of cannabis grown in full sun outdoors. With decades of experience under

Ask Doug and Jen

Meet Doug and Jen, the dynamic duo of cannabis cultivation at Seed Supreme. This easygoing couple brings a balanced approach to growing, seamlessly blending outdoor and indoor techniques to help growers of all levels achieve success. Doug: Hey there,

How should I manage watering if the soil remains moist for an extended period?

If your soil remains moist for longer than expected, it's recommended to allow it to dry out a bit more before watering again. Elevate the pots and improve airflow to help speed up the drying process. When the top layer of soil begins to dry out, che

What kind of soil should I use with my organic growing kit?

For an organic growing kit, such as the i49 organic kit, a high-quality organic soil mix is ideal. Look for a blend that includes compost, earthworm castings, bat guano, perlite, and coco coir. Brands like FoxFarm Ocean Forest and Roots Organics Orig