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Flowering Stage

Don't fall at the final hurdle when you can solve any and all problems you may encounter while your plants are in flower by consulting us here.

Triggering the Flowering Stage

Triggering the flowering stage at the right time is essential for maximizing yields and ensuring a healthy harvest. During this stage, plants transition from vegetative growth, where they focus on building structure and foliage, to producing flowers

Identifying Male and Female Cannabis Plants

Identifying the sex of cannabis plants is crucial for growers, especially those cultivating for flower production. Male and female cannabis plants serve different purposes. Female plants produce the resinous buds that are harvested for consumption, w

Nutrient Requirements During the Flowering Stage

During the flowering stage, cannabis plants shift their focus from vegetative growth, where they develop roots, stems, and leaves, to producing flowers or buds. This change in growth focus requires different nutrients to support the plant’s new needs

Light Schedules for Flowering Plants

The light schedule is one of the most crucial factors in triggering and maintaining the flowering stage for photoperiod-sensitive cannabis plants. During this stage, plants require a specific light-to-dark ratio to switch from vegetative growth to fl

The Importance of Pruning in the Flowering Stage

Pruning during the flowering stage of cannabis growth is crucial for several reasons:. Improves Airflow: Pruning removes excess foliage and undergrowth, improving air circulation around the plant. Better airflow helps reduce the risk of mold and mild

Common Issues in the Flowering Stage

Cannabis plants can experience a variety of issues during the flowering stage, which can impact both yield and quality. Identifying and addressing these issues promptly is crucial for a successful harvest. Here are some common problems and how to add

How to Increase Yield During the Flowering Stage

Increasing cannabis yield during the flowering stage involves optimizing various aspects of the growing environment and plant care. Here’s a comprehensive guide to troubleshooting and improving yield during this critical phase. By addressing these fa

Understanding When it's the Right Time to Harvest Cannabis

To determine if cannabis plants are ready for harvest, closely examine trichomes and pistils. Trichomes are small, glandular structures on the surface of buds and leaves that produce cannabinoids and terpenes, which are key to the plant’s potency and